Invisible Limits lyrics: For You (Part 1)

Artist: Invisible Limits
Album: Demand for supply

For You (part 1)

This one I could not find the lyrics to either. Great band by the way and The Invincible Spirit too.

in my heart
in my soul
in my brain
I hear
your voice
saying words
close to me
soft like rain
holding tight
deep in me
can fight
I guess
this sound
blowing me
in my brain
in my ears

your touch
in my vains
in my blood
and see
your hands
stroke my skin
and my heart
goes fast
all my nerves
run and play
can’t stand
this look
in your eyes
swallow me
taking me

you run
to the walls
who couldn’t fall
you seem
to drown
in your hope
buring you
in tears
heard your cry
crying loud
and searched
your breath anew
refreshing wind
to forget
all the sounds

in my heart
in my soul
in my blood
you’ve reached
me now
take first step
to the lace
in the sky